responsible for verifying that the manufacturing activity or sustainment activity is correctly determining when the interfix numbers change.
(1) Unless otherwise specified (see 6.5), for lots of ammunition components, ammunition items of issue, energetic materials, etc., manufactured or assembled by the various manufacturing activities, the responsible functional specialist is the Government PQM.
(2) For situations where lots are regrouped or some other type of operation is performed which necessitate a change in the interfix number at sustainment activities (depots, in the field, etc.), the responsible functional specialist is the Quality Assurance Specialist Ammunition Surveillance (QASAS) or the Chief Inspector located at those
(3) Any delegation of authority to plant Quality Assurance
Representatives (QARs), Administrative Contracting Officers (ACOs), etc., does not relieve the responsible functional specialist of primary responsibility.
c. The manufacturing activity or sustainment activity should request authorization from the responsible functional specialist for any interfix sequence exceptions other than the block of interfix procedure (see 4.4.3). This includes any requests to restart interfix numbering at "001".
d. For production line configurations and modifications, the manufacturing activity or sustainment activity can submit a request for approval to use a single interfix. The request should be submitted to the applicable procuring service if under a contract or to the owning service if for a sustainment action. Requests for use of a single interfix should meet the criteria in in order to be approved by the Government.
e. If there are any questions relating to interfix assignment or when interfixes should be changed, the manufacturing activity or sustainment activity should ask the responsible functional specialist.
f. Personnel at each manufacturing or sustainment activity are responsible for alerting the responsible functional specialist when changes are anticipated.
g. Changes in interfix numbers should also be accomplished when it is determined by the responsible functional specialist that it is necessary to change or the best interest of the Government will be served by changing interfix numbers (
h. Interfix numbers may be changed for reasons other than those noted herein when it is considered necessary by either the Government or by the contractor with concurrence from the Government functional specialist.
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