components that have failed or are of marginal quality due to wear, deterioration, or damage so as to preclude premature failure. When an overhaul is performed, a suffix will be added to the lot number and all overhaul actions will be documented in the "Remarks" section of the ADC. This change is necessary to ensure that the material changes are clearly understood.
3.2.22 Parent lot. The "original" or "basic" lot prior to any changes, modifications, maintenance, etc., which result in either the addition of a lot suffix, a lot identifier code, a lot theater indicator, or the assignment of a completely new lot number.
3.2.23 Procuring activity. Within this standard, the term procuring activity will be used to identify the Government activities that are purchasing the ammunition components, assemblies, or complete rounds. There are multiple procuring activities
both across the services and within each service.
3.2.24 Propellant lot number. A unique code systematically assigned to each propellant lot at the time of manufacture, assembly, reprocessing, or blending that identifies the specific propellant lot. The propellant lot number always includes a propellant serial number (see 5.1).
3.2.25 Propellant serial number. A unique five digit numeric code ranging from "00001" to "99999" (see 6.16.a and 6.16.b). The propellant serial number is critical in providing a means for properly identifying propellant material when withdrawal of defective, deteriorated, hazardous or obsolete propellant from storage or service is required.
3.2.26 Production line. A production line consists of a series of repeatable and sequential operations performed by a single manufacturing activity, the product of which can be grouped into one or a sequence of production lots. The operations can be manual, semi-automated, or automated. Guidance on what constitutes more than one production line or multiple parts of one production line is provided in and
3.2.27 Reference lot. A component lot or end item lot selected for use in ballistic tests where acceptance is based upon a comparison between the reference round performance and the test round performance.
3.2.28 Regrouped lot. A regrouped lot is formed when two (2) or more complete round lots (or item of issue lots) are combined to form one (1) lot, regardless of the type of operations which may or may not be performed in conjunction with the assemblage of these lots. ("Regrouped lots" vary from hybrid lots in that they are assembled from multiple complete round lots as opposed to multiple lots of a component.)
3.2.29 Repair. The reprocessing of nonconforming material in accordance with approved written procedures and operations to reduce, but not completely eliminate, the nonconformance is considered repair. The purpose of repair is to bring nonconforming material into a useable condition. Repair is distinguished from rework in that the item
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