6.7 General responsibilities. In conjunction with the requirements outlined in sections 4 and 5, the following responsibility references are provided and recommended.
a. It is the responsibility of all user personnel of ammunition to note and report any ammunition lot number or ammunition data card problems to the proper persons when such occurrences are observed or suspected. Types of problems include: incorrect applications of lot numbers, errors in marking and on documents, missing or incomplete ADCs, and other related discrepancies.
b. The manufacturing activities and sustainment activities have the responsibility to properly apply ammunition lot numbers in accordance with the
requirements of this standard.
c. The procuring activities and owning services have the responsibility to verify that the lot numbers were properly applied and documented in accordance with the requirements of this standard.
d. For the Government responsibilities listed in paragraphs 6.7-6.16, a letter of delegation can be issued. For example, a PQM could delegate to a QAR some of the responsibilities for ADC verification. Any delegation of authority does not relieve the applicable service, activity, office, specialist, etc. of primary responsibility.
e. The manufacturing or sustainment activity should consult the technical data package, contract, or procuring activity to determine if any serialization requirements replace the lot numbering requirements (see 4.1.5).
f. The Navy exceptions listed in sections 4 and 5 are only authorized as directed by the governing Navy authority (see and
6.8 Manufactu rer's id enti ficati on s ymbol responsibilities. In conjunction with the requirements outlined in sections 4 and 5, the following responsibility references are provided and recommended.
a. The manufacturing activity or sustainment activity should request the assignment of a manufacturer's identification symbol from JMC if they do not already have one.
b. Assignment of manufacturer's identification symbols for all services within the Department of Defense (DoD) is the responsibility of the United States Army Joint Munitions Command (JMC), Quality Assurance Operations (AMSJM-QAO). It is also the responsibility of the JMC QAO office to ensure that the assigned manufacturer's identification symbols are not duplicated (see 4.2.2). The JMC AMSJM-QAO contact information is also available on the WARP website (
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