3.2.16 Lotting. This is the process of creating a lot in accordance with lotting concepts and in accordance with any lot formation restrictions in the item specifications, drawings, or contract. It includes the production or assembly of an item or component, the issuance and marking of a lot number in accordance with this standard, and the documentation of the lot number with an ADC.
3.2.17 Lotting concepts. This incorporates the basic philosophy that the homogenous units of product comprising a lot of ammunition have been produced or assembled at the same plant under consistent conditions and numbered systematically to ensure accurate identification and control of the lot and its major components during their entire life cycle. Moreover, it accepts the theory that all portions of the lot are reasonably identifiable or capable of being identified with the parent lot.
3.2.18 Maintenance operations. For purposes of this standard, the term maintenance operations is used to cover the broad spectrum of all operations involving the care and preservation of ammunition. These primarily occur in the depots, field locations, arsenals, and plants. The operations include but are not limited to adjusting, cleaning, derusting, repainting, remarking, repackaging, reconditioning, reworking, renovating, modifying, overhauling, converting, reprocessing, replacing, repairing, regrouping, inspecting, screening, testing, and other applicable operations.
3.2.19 Manufacturing activity. Within this standard, the term manufacturing activity will be used to identify the Government Owned Government Operated (GOGO), Government Owned Contractor Operated (GOCO), or Contractor Owned Contractor Operated (COCO) facilities that are engaged in the original manufacture, loading, or assembly of ammunition components, assemblies, or complete rounds. This does not include facilities that only repackage or redistribute material that has been manufactured, loaded, or assembled by a previous facility.
3.2.20 Modification. This operation is accomplished subsequent to the initial production and lotting. It consists of replacing, interchanging or alteration of component parts with a component of a different model number or nomenclature, etc., thereby effecting a change in design, function, or manufacturing procedure. Modifications result in a variation from the parent lot. The modification may be a direct result of engineering changes and specification revisions intended to change design or functional characteristics. When a modification occurs, a suffix will be added to the lot number. This change is necessary to ensure that the material changes are clearly understood.
3.2.21 Overhaul. The process of reconditioning an item to a completely serviceable condition conforming to the current technical specifications of the item and with a life expectancy equal to similarly configured new equipment. Overhaul specifically includes the disassembling of end items and components, inspecting for defects, replacing parts, performing any necessary machining operations, installing approved engineering and field changes, reassembling the end item and components, applying the proper markings, performing cosmetic reconditioning, and conducting final
inspections for conformance. Overhaul also consists of repair or replacement of parts and
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