MIL-STD-1168C Year of production. A numeric code consisting of the last two (2) digits of the calendar year in which the manufacture, assembly, or regrouping of the lot was initiated. This numeric code is placed directly between the manufacturer's identification symbol and the month of production code (see 4.3.1). Month of production. An alpha code to identify the month that manufacture, assembly, or regrouping of the lot was initiated. This alpha code is placed directly between the year of production and the lot interfix number. A listing of the alpha codes assigned to identify the month of production are contained in 4.3.2. Interfix number. A three (3) digit number ranging from "001" to "999" placed between the month of production code letter and the sequence number. The interfix number is designed to identify those lots in a series which have been produced or assembled by the same manufacturing activity at the same location for the same item, made according to a specific design and manufacturing process using like materials in accordance with certain administrative procedures (see 4.4). The interfix number "000" is reserved for experimental and reference lots only (see 4.7.2 and 4.7.7). Ammunition lot identifier codes. An alpha character placed instead of the hyphen in the ammunition lot number's tenth position. For propellant lot numbers the character is placed in the eighth position instead of the 0. These codes identify specific lot types such as special lots, first article lots, calibration lots, hybrid lots, etc. These identifier codes are used to ensure the lots are properly identified and to maintain traceability (see 4.7). Sequence number. A number ranging from "001" to "999" placed after the interfix number in an ammunition lot number. The sequence number identifies the lot within the interfix series according to the sequence of production or assembly of the item (see 4.5). Ammunition lot suffix. An alpha character added directly after the lot sequence number in the 14th and if applicable 15th position to denote a rework, or to identify reprocessed propellant lots, etc. Ammunition lot suffixes are always in capital letters and are applied sequentially starting with "A" and continuing through "ZZ." Restricted or prohibited alpha characters are listed in 4.6.4. Application and use of the lot suffix to identify changes, modifications, maintenance, etc., to the original lot provides a more efficient method to control the affected portions of the original lot in the event of malfunctions, suspensions, and releases. It is also sometimes referred to as the "alpha
suffix" (see 4.6). Ammunition lot theater indicator. The ammunition lot theater indicator is an alpha character placed at the end of the lot number in the 15th or 16th position. When the lot theater indicator is used, it is the last part of the lot number. These codes identify items that were exposed to combat conditions and environments and provide a means of tracking which lots were sent to which theaters. This positive identification allows future monitoring of those lots for accelerated deterioration or reductions in performance and
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