3.2.10 Functional lot. A quantity of two or more types of cartridges packed in an authorized combination as an item of issue for field use in a weapon system. This is primarily used for functional packs of small caliber ammunition or medium caliber ammunition.
3.2.11 Homogeneity/homogenous material. When all units of product in an ammunition lot have been produced by one manufacturing activity, in one unchanged process, under stable conditions of production, in accordance with the same drawings and specifications and any revisions thereto, a "state of homogeneity" is considered to exist. This means that the items of ammunition have been manufactured or assembled during a production process which has not been altered by innovation, changes in material
sources, retooling (other than routine changes to compensate for normal tool wear or breakage), or interruptions other than those due to the end of the shift, day, or week (e.g. labor strikes, explosive mishaps).
3.2.12 Hybrid lot. A hybrid lot of ammunition is an item of issue lot consisting of components with various interfix numbers or manufacturing activities, in excess of the number permitted in the item of issue specifications, drawings, or contract.
3.2.13 Interfix series. An interfix series is comprised of multiple ammunition lots manufactured or assembled by the same manufacturing activity under uniform conditions and which are expected to function in a uniform manner. Lots within an interfix series which also share components from a larger component lot are also referred to as sister lots. In an interfix series, the manufacturer's identification symbol and the interfix number remain constant while the sequence number advances sequentially. In most instances the month of production code will change progressively within an interfix series. Occasionally the year of production will also change.
XYZ07D006-004 etc. to XYZ08A006-015
3.2.14 Items of issue. An item of issue is a complete round or primary/major component which is issued to a field activity.
3.2.15 Items of a similar nature. Those items produced or assembled by the same manufacturing activity at the same plant which are basically the same but vary slightly. This includes items which are used in nearly identical manners but produce different intended results, such as high-explosive, illumination, blank, less-than-lethal, and training rounds for the same weapon. Also included are those items of the same caliber or size which are manufactured or assembled at the same plant.
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