number shall consist of a manufacturer's identification symbol, a numeric code showing the year of production, an alpha code representing the month of production, a lot interfix number followed by a hyphen, and a lot sequence number. When necessary, the lot number can also include one or two alpha characters used as an ammunition lot suffix and a theater indicator. As required, the hyphen is replaced by a lot identifier code. The ammunition lot number shall not exceed sixteen (16) characters in length and no characters shall be separated by spaces. The minimum number of characters used shall be thirteen (13). The following examples, and Figure 1, illustrate the construction of an ammunition lot number.
a b c d e f
a b c d g e
a b c d e f h
(a) Manufacturer's identification symbol
(b) Two (2) digit numeric code identifying the year of production
(c) A single alpha code signifying the month of production
(d) Lot interfix number
(e) Lot sequence number
(f) Ammunition lot suffix (the alpha suffix)
(g) Ammunition lot identifier code which can replace the hyphen
(h) Lot theater indicator - NOTE: "Z" has not been chosen as a lot theater indicator; it is just used here as an example. The current lot theater indicators are Y, W, and T and follow older formatting requirements. See 4.8 for a more detailed description.
4.1.2 Mandatory numbering of ammunition lots. Each lot of ammunition components, ammunition items of issue, energetics, etc., shall have a lot number assigned at the start of manufacture or assembly, regardless of the ultimate disposition of the lot. This applies regardless of whether it is purchased to a performance specification or a Technical Data Package (TDP). Lots which have been rejected and then are scheduled
for reworking, demilitarization, scrapping, etc. shall have a basic lot number assigned and an associated ADC to ensure proper controls are exercised. Rejected lots that are later sold as commercial items shall also have an associated lot number and an ADC showing the rejected status and the reason for the rejection. The ammunition lot number shall be correctly applied. The applicable lot(s) shall not be accepted if the ammunition lot
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