4.6.8 Assignment of suffixes on previous lot number formats. Over time, lot numbering formatting and requirements have changed (see 6.4). Whenever lots with older lot number formats, or quantities thereof, are reworked, the assigned lot suffix shall be the last entry in the lot number. The exception to this shall be when a theater indicator code is applied, in which case the suffix shall be the second to last entry. (Due to a large variation in the past application of theater indicator codes, this may not be true with characters Y, W, and T.)
4.6.9 Situations which may not require a suffix. In some instances, such as where the actions cause the items to change to another approved NSN, an addition of a suffix may not be required (see 6.12.j). This most commonly occurs with actions such as repackaging to a different configuration. If it is approved to proceed without a new suffix, a new ADC shall still be created. ADC comments shall include the original NSN and the approval to not add a suffix. This should only occur in situations where the NSN in association with the new ADC can provide sufficient traceability to the items.
4.7 Ammunition lot number - lot identifier codes.
4.7.1 Lot identifier code description. The lot identifier code is a capital letter inserted in the ammunition lot number by replacing the hyphen in the ammunition lot number's tenth position with the appropriate alpha code or inserted into the propellant lot number by replacing the numeric character "O" in the propellant lot number's eighth position with the appropriate alpha code as specified in the following paragraphs. The following is a list of non-standard lots with their corresponding lot identifier codes. This list only includes those lots that require special marking identification in the lot number for proper handling.
Experimental Lots |
E |
First Article Lots |
A |
Functional Packed Lots |
L |
Hybrid Lots |
H |
Master Calibration Component Lots and Master Calibration Lots |
C |
Reference Lots |
R |
Regrouped Lots (includes blended propellant lots) |
G |
Special Lots - Proving Ground Tests, Special Requirements, Special Tests, Engineering Tests, etc. |
S |
4.7.2 Experimental lots. (The "E" lots.) These lots shall be identified by replacing the hyphen between the lot interfix number and the lot sequence number with a capital letter "E." The appropriate manufacturer's identification symbol shall be applied and the lot sequence number shall identify in sequence the number of experimental lots
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