that, within a lot, the performance was significantly different due to the batch nature of the manufacturing process. The procuring activity determined that the lots going forward should consist of a smaller amount of material to maintain traceability and preserve homogeneity. Best interest of the Government. Changes in sequence numbers shall also be accomplished when it is determined that it is necessary to change or the best interest of the Government will be served by changing sequence numbers.
4.6 Ammunition lot number - lot suffix.
4.6.1 Ammunition lot suffix description. The lot suffix, as defined herein and when required, becomes an integral part of the ammunition lot number and is applied directly after the sequence number as shown in 4.1. Lot suffixes shall in all instances consist of one (1) or two (2) capitalized alpha characters. In identifying lots of ammunition or any quantities thereof which are being reworked, modified, overhauled, etc., the lot suffix shall be assigned in alphabetical sequence starting with the letter "A" and continuing through "ZZ." (See 4.6.4 for a listing of alpha characters whose use is restricted or prohibited.) Once a lot of ammunition or any portion thereof has been assigned an ammunition lot number suffix, the suffixed lot assumes an independent status and a completely separate identity from that of the original basic lot or any quantities of the original lot which may be assigned a different suffix letter. Suffixed lots shall have their own ADC. The remarks section of the ADC shall specify the reason and authorization for the application of the suffix. Common reasons include rework, repair, modifications, and overhaul. Further pertinent data relevant to the authorization and detailed use of ammunition lot suffixes is contained in 4.6.2 through 4.6.8.
4.6.2. Use and documentation of suffixing. Lot suffixes shall be used to identify operations (such as rework, repair, modifications, and overhaul) performed on a lot of ammunition under the conditions described in 4.6. When a request for a suffix is submitted prior to starting the operations, the activity shall also submit definitive information relative to the planned procedures. When suffixes are added, traceability to the parent lot and documentation of the changes made shall be maintained as long as it is considered practical or economically feasible. To do this, the changes made to the lot shall be documented and recorded in the remarks portion of the new ADC (see 6.12).
The ADC shall include the operations performed, the authorizations provided, the performing facility, and updated component lists showing any changes.
4.6.3 Suffix request. The suffix request or authorization shall contain the specific quantity of the item, the lot number for which the rework is to be performed, and a description of the changes being made during the operation or maintenance process. All suffix requests should be documented e.g., letter, email, etc. Once a procedure has been issued for a lot of ammunition or a quantity thereof to a facility other than the original production plant, a unique suffix shall be assigned (see 6.12). If an operation is cancelled and a suffix is no longer required, then the activity that assigned the suffix shall be notified so that the suffix may be released and used elsewhere.
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